With several calulated clicks of her highly talented fingers, Daryl of Out and About in New York City created this charming award: the Just Plain Fun to Read Award. Isn't that one of the sweetest, most original blog awards you've seen? I am thrilled to report I am one of Daryl's bestowed-upon. And Daryl made it clear the recipients are encouraged to pass this coveted piece of bling right on to other just plain fun bloggers. So here goes:
I pass the Just Plain Fun to Read award to:
Dar of The Back of My Headboard
Celebratory gestural abstracts, haiku, photography, and here is a woman in Massachusetts who looks kickass in cowboy boots.
Kim of Creating Space
Art-in-progress accompanied by generous sharing of process, recommendations of books to kick-start the creative juices, interviews with artists, deer sightings in the back yard. Kim has created a comfort zone in which artists can kick back and sip a cup of tea.
A lifeful blog replete with well-told stories and celebratory art that mesh beautifully.
Mima of Mima's Doings
Adventures of a beautiful, brave spirit.
Lori of The Skoog Farm Journal
An oasis of calm maintained by a talented artist/curator/farmer. Talk about a Renaissance woman.
Akelamalu of Everything and Nothing.
A Pearl of a blogger who takes a little bit of nothing and builds it into everything. A great wordzzler.
Angel of Life Is a Gift from God
Angel's having a baby!
Maggie May of Nuts in May
Well-told tales of domesticity.
Jeanne of Life or Something Like It
A sunshine-suffused blog. A sunshine-suffused blogger.
Sandy Carlson of Writing in Faith
I believe she already has it, but she is so, so much fun to read (and see).
Laura, of From the Couch
Dreams are just plain fun.
Spark of No More Casual Nonchalance
Writes a post every single day of the year, and every single one of them is entertaining.
Lynette of Original Art by L. Clay
She has a way with trees. And the magical spaces between their limbs.
Daphne of Five Foot Under
A self-described "smallish" woman whose spirit is anything but.
Andrea of Colouring Outside the Lines
Fanciful paintings and photo collages which belie their creator's fascination with amputated feet found scattered around Canada. Shudder.
Suki of paint poems and ponderings
Paint, poems, ponderings, and more: acknowledgment of the rightness and importance of creative endeavor.
Karina of A Painter's Kitchen
Honest writing. Questions asked. Kicking up a fuss like a dust devil. Beautiful paintings, pared down to essentials.
Jameil of Jameil, etc: Exercises in Fabulosity
She says she doesn't "do awards." This should piss her off.
Gone Back South
A 40-something woman returned to the place where her roots are. Blossoming there.
A Tidings of Magpies
Blog of a fan of contemporary poetry with a great eye and ear. The occasional blonde joke.
Paula of self-taught artist
Puzzle heads, industrial clocks, wonder horses, and everything in between, including a not-so-infrequent rant about the unfairness of it all. How I love to read others' rants! Life's unfair and it's high time someone acknowledged it.
Paula of Second Street Studio
Honest discussion of process and frustrations by an artist who is disarmingly honest. She's as refreshing as her art.
Heather of Bad Kitty Art Studio
Wild, original paintings with accompanying thoughts.
Meg of Becoming Whole
Everything you always wanted to know about thriving through the macrobiotic lifestyle but were too timid to ask.
Lee of Chrysalis Dreams
Everything you always wanted to know about being on the cusp of change and about to leap into one's beautiful, powerful destiny but were too timid to ask. And speaking of Lee, my beautiful friend Lee has given me this beautiful friendship award. THANK YOU, Lee.Now, back to the Just Plain Fun to Read Awards:
Influx Transposer
Everything you always wanted to know about being a lesbian in a committed relationship raising children and feeling led to the Episcopal priesthood but were too timid to ask. Great pictures of home haircuts.
Jafabrit Art
Dazzling paintings and mixed-media work. Name it. This woman can do it.
Jo of Celebration of Life
Everything you always wanted to know about becoming a motorcycle mama in one's fifties but were too timid to ask.
Carol for Peace
Beautiful photographs and musings by a lovely woman who has made peace with herself. What's her secret?
Patty of Lost in Solitude
She puts together beautiful video montages that are personal and political, always wrought with love.
Debi of Emma Tree
A blog that is as intriguing and lyrical as its title.
Sandi of Holding Patterns
Everything you always wanted to know about the life of a retired female cop/columnist who's taking time to smell her own roses. BREAKING NEWS: As I was awarding Sandi, she was awarding me this:
Awards that pass in the night. That is just beautiful, Sandi. Thank you! Anyone listed in this post is welcome to take this lovely award, since it's intended for all bloggers who make a difference for me. That means YOU! Even if I forgot to mention you, that means YOU! Also check out the blogger who created this award, Memoirs of a Mommy.
Now, back to the Just Plain Fun to Read Awards:
Michelle of House of Lime
Juggling creativity and motherhood. Doing it with STYLE.
Katie Jane of Kate's Corner
Mixed-media celebrations of being alive. Reminders to be at peace. And speaking of lovely Katie Jane, she recently received this award and then offered it to all who read her blog. Thank you, Katie Jane! I will do the same. Anyone who would like this winsome award may grab it and run. Just comment on your way out.Now, back to the Just Plain Fun to Read Awards:
Raven of Views from Raven's Nest
Everything you always wanted to know about creating a rich, imagination-informed life while being confined to home but were too timid to ask.
Gorgeous photos of the Arizona sky and Anna's dazzling offspring.
A Creek Runs Through It
Gorgeous photos of Montana. Ellie and her husband, who take to the wilderness at the drop of a hat, have been on the cover of Natural Geographic. Or something. You don't believe me? Well, have a look.
Rubye Jean of Somewhere over the Rainbow
Sister to Jo and Ellie. Mother to Anna. Awesome family ties and Wizard of Oz collection.
Blue Sky Dreaming
The blog whose very title is Just Plain Fun to Read. And the blog is every bit as beautiful.
Crazy Cath's Reflections
Don't let the title of this blog mislead you. Cath is one not-so-crazed, down-to-earth, determined and honest woman. She exudes warmth.
Whim of The Babblings of a Whimsical Brainpan
Everything you always wanted to know about re-embracing life after personal disaster.
Crumbs from the Corner
Adventures in woolgathering and beyond.
Dilly's Castle
Adventures of a green dragon in the UK. A princessy green dragon with a sense of glamor.
Anna of My Only Photo
Not one but many, many photos. Most recently of Anna's highly photogenic son, two-month old Matthew!!!
Doris of Poetic License
I know. I know. Daryl already gave you the award. So use mine and and hers as bookends. Or put mine on your second blog.
There are others who already have the award I believe, others I'd have bestowed it on--Hilary, Lavinia, Rhea, Jennifer H, to name a few. Anyone whose blog I frequent or who frequents mine, whom I forgot to mention, please snap up the award anyway. You are all treasures!
I didn't name one single guy in this list of award recipients. It's just not a particularly macho image in my opinion. But hey, any guy who covets this award is welcome to make a comment and claim it. Step up to the plate, guys. Don't be afraid to show us your sensitive side. Jeff, Indi, Nick, Paschal, John-Michael, David, Peter, Meanie, Moody, Bob T. Bear, Bruno, all of you. You know who you are. You are Just Plain Fun. And you deserve this award too.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Feel Good Friday: Just Plain Fun!
Posted by
3:09 PM
Labels: awards, blogging, Feel-Good Friday
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Based on my latest post and avatar declaration, I ain't got no problem with the JPFTR award. Besides, I believe little missy probably stole that dress right off my Goodwill rack. Peace/out, Lady San.
Wow! You make me sound so lovely to read! Clearly it is a different way of viewing me! (I am laughing hard here). But I thank you for the very kind award and thank you for the ever so precious words!
Thank You Dear San!
PS Now I think you have given the award to almost all of my readers! :)
Thanks for the award and the kind words San!
And isn't it great about Angel!?! :-)
Holy Moley Oley! What a post. You took the time to write a brief bio of just about everybody in Blogland. What a wonderful list.
Thank you dear San. Can I put this award on my resume?
"Kick ass in cowboy boots" - What a hoot! LOL
:) Maybe I should update my "title tag" to your most eloquent description :)
Oh no! All these enticing blogs to read when I have SO much to do! :) Bad you.
I laughed out loud at your description of my blog. Word perfect, my dear. Thank you so much for acknowledging me. And you are about the only blogger who makes long posts taht I actually read word for word and carefully scrutinize all the pictures!
sssh .. I also gave it to Cath ...
I love that you have spread this far and wide ...
BTW .. I was inspired to do this by Kelly at Geneva Daily Photo (http://genevadailyphoto.blogspot.com/)
thanks san...you're tops!
Awww San you say the kindest things! Thank you so much. And you have done a marathon giveaway there. I know how much work you put into that post - thank you so much.
PS - I see Daryl told you she gave it me too, but I am happy to have two. I know you said to take another - but I would like you to choose one for me if you want me to have it. Or do it another time. I am happy with the recognition and the kind words you say. Thanks.
Thanks San! You spent a lot of time on this blog, did you finish the painting? lol
Chuck wants to know why he didn't get an award but Dilly did???
Have a wonderful weekend!
well...I came here to see what award my mother won. I was shocked to see that I had won it too! thank you so much san! you made my weekend!!
LOL I was going to ask if you'd left anyone out and then I got to the bottom and found you hadn't. :) WAY TO GO, San!
And Thank You! Even when struggling with serious issued I try to balance them with something fun. :) So glad you noticed! Proves you a true friend!
Holy Cow...what a post. I will try to live up to the JPFTR award.
Thank you for the kind words, San. You always find the sweetest things to say.
Hugs to you dear San.
San, thank you so much for this fun award and nice words. Definately, I will grab it. It IS just plain fun to read, and you really worked your butt of on the listings on this post! Have a great weekend!
Thank you Sweet San! I am honored that you named me!
Why, thank you, Ms. San!
You are tooooo kind!
You have quite the inspirational list of recipients here. I know where my reading material for the next few days will come from!
Besides being a sensational artist, fascinating writer, and bestest mom (among many other talents), you would make a great emcee. Your introductions are compelling.
Peace & blessings to you!
Well, Paschal, if the dress fits, wear it, man.
Kim, you ARE lovely to read. I speak the truth.
Whim, you're welcome, and yes, I am SO excited about Angel!
Dar, put the award on your resume. And definitely include the cowboy boot accolades.
JS, I'll mimic something I told Paschal. If the tag fits, take it, milady.
Aren't you just so sweet! Thank you so very much. It means a lot to me to know that I can bring sunshine into someone's day. I love it. It's so darn cute! I'll be giving her a special place on my blog and passing the love on this weekend. {{HUGS}}
Andrea, I feel the same about your comments. I read them carefully. Thank you!
Daryl, I think it's going to spread farther and wider. It's the GREAT COLOSSAL award that makes people happy. You've created a happy monster.
Ellie, you're Carrot Tops.
Cath, please take the HOPE award. It really suits you, dear friend.
Jo, the painting is coming along. Slow and somewhat steady wins the race to the gallery.
I mentioned Mr. Meanie in my last paragraph. I thought he might consider himself too macho for such an adorable award. He does have his sensitive side at that, so tell him to take it and display it proudly.
Anna, have a great weekend!
Enjoy adding this one to your trophy case, Lee.
Hugs back, Patty. And enjoy your weekend, milady.
Katie Jane, that new profile pic is JUST PLAIN FUN.
Rubye Jean, you are most deserving. Love to your beautiful family...
Carol, thank you for your kind words. Heck, maybe I'll re-invent myself as an emcee. Life is full of surprises, isn't it?
Jeanne, I look forward to seeing whom you pass the sunshine on to...
well shucks thanks, miss san! you are certainly well deserving of the award and i thank you for passing it on to me.
Michelle, you are most welcome, my dear.
San, I am honored! So good to see your comments popping up again. Missed ya!
Peace - D
congrats 2 all award winners :))
Thank you San, what a lot of awards ........
I am MOST flattered that you thought of me!
Omigosh San, that is a beautiful award and I thank you so very much!! Hehe, me and my trees...don't know what we'll do next! :p I'm feeling very honored that you thought of me and I'll be so proud to display this award in my blog!
Thank you for the nomination San! Mr. Macho is going to continue to spread the good vibe/energy this weekend. You my friend have an amazing energy all around you. :)
Happy Saturday!
It's good to be back, Doris.
Deepak, thank you so much for visiting.
Maggie May, you are welcome. Your blog is wonderful!
Lynette, you do have a way with trees and more. Actually with everything.
I look forward to seeing the award on your blog.
You know how to flatter a girl, Mr. Macho.
Happy Saturday to you too, Bruno!
thanks for the award
its so pleasant looking ;)
You're welcome, Paula. It's a sweet one, isn't it?
Thanks for the kind words about Josh, and also for the award on your site. I love what you said.
Oh San you sweetie! Can we ever have enough awards? NO WE CAN NOT..and I love this...I have one for you at my place, too lol..it's at the post just before the Brenda Photo Challenge
thanks for all the new stops...
Wow - just doing all those links deserves another award ;)
I'm familiar with a few of the blogs
Daryl's photos just make my eyes smile
Akelamalu is the queen of twisted endings in her fiction
and I couldn't even begin to describe how amazing I think Raven is!
I will find the time over the next few days to visit those on your list.
What a wonderful, generous, fun way to pass on an award!
Hey, San,
Thanks for this. It's very sweet of you to mention me! I see I am in some very good company. Thanks for lifting up so many good blogs!
San, I did chuckle thinking of you typing in all these URL's. A kind of "wow" chuckle. So kind of you to spread the award among so many interesting folks. Thanks so much for including me. In fact the icon has given my an idea for my Ponder This Sunday post. be well, Suki
U gotz no hoomin bouz on u listz but whatz bout a boy kitty kat? I iz sen-si-tive. OK?
Hi San,
Thank you so much for the award!! I have come to your site twice to comment, but have started visiting your recommended blogs forgetting to return. It is enjoyable though, and thanks for introducing me to so many interesting people ... it is just plain fun!
Dear San, what a lovely award.. thanks alott for making me so special. You are so kind San.
Congrats to those who gets a beautiful award from San.
You are such a special.
Way to share the "fun to read" love! You're awesome! Thanks for thinking of me, even though I already have it. You're so sweet!
Lori, you're most welcome. I'm glad the words pleased you.
Wow, Sandi, you have an award for me?
Dianne, I'm happy to meet you.
Looks like we have some friends in common.
Please visit again. And again.
Sandy, yes, there are so many great blogs. Yours is one of them.
Suki, I'll check out your Ponder This Sunday...sounds great.
Alex, u iz sen-si-tive. It runs in your family!
Please take the award and display it proudly. U iz kool too. A kool cat.
Meg, the way you are always interested in everyone makes you just plain fun!
Lovely Angel, you are quite special.
Rhea, I knew you had the award already and I completely understand why!
Thank you for your kind words.
Thank you San! I love the illustration on the award. The little girl reminds me of Madeline from the storybooks of my childhood.
For the record I'm no longer posting every day, but usually two or three times a week.
Spark, I realized that when I went back to your blog to see if you'd seen my notification of your award status.
Believe me, two or three times weekly is very good!
I like the new dust devil moniker! Thank you, San for including me on this illustrious list.
hahahahaha. thanks san! it doesn't piss me off, i just don't know where i'm supposed to put all my blog booty from winning awards! lol. you're so funny.
You're welcome, Karina. Keep kickin'!
Jameil, that's what trophy rooms are for.
Tank u, San. I takez da award an I writez nice bout u in my bloggie thingie. OK?
Wow, Alex, I am honored indeed. You are one sen-si-tive cat. You make me purr.
"No child left behind" enters my mind.
Thanks San,,,I am honored, although I sure am jealous of those kick-ass cowboy boots!
(insert belly laff here)
Babs, belly laff is duly noted. And seconded.
Something tells me you're equally kickass. I just never saw you model cowboy boots for us. Why not? (Better you than me.)
Me again, San.
RE: MY Kick ass boots,,,,the latest comment at my place,,,,,
Thanks for the heads up, Babs. That kicks butt.
Indigo Incarnates
It's always good to have fun :)
Indi, you've got that right!
san...if carrot tops are green, why DO people call us red heads, that? :o)
What a sweet lovely award and I agree with others, you really took time oonthe bio's, phew! It is great to get a little bio on each blog. I am going to check them out.
sending you a hUGE thank you :)
Ellie, I suppose it's one little symptom of the self-deception we live with in this society.
Jafa, you are most welcome!
I'm blessed with so many exciting blogging friends. It was fun to pay tribute to some of them.
Holy popcorn, San !!!!
You went award crazy today !
And such kind words. Big hug, San.
So here I am at my day job and I am facing my "will-power-test" of the century. How in the world can I ever be expected to work when I've not got this list of blogs to visit.....those descriptions are so enticing. Guess I'll have to sacrifice some studio time tonight so I can look these over.
Thanks, San. I was in SF this weekend for Spanish Market. I bought my first (of hopefully many) retablo. So excited about it. We scurried to get out of town before the rain hit so I'll stop in next time.
San thank you so much for your kind award, your blog is a threasure box, and love your entertaining writing style. Thanks again, Anna :) and Matthew :) sending hugs and kisses.
Paula, I love retablos too. I have one--not in the traditional style but wonderful nonetheless--by a woman who often exhibits at Contemporary Spanish Market. It's rather fanciful.
The weekend was busy at the gallery. Market weekends are usually good for business and this one was no exception.
I look forward to seeing your award over at your place...BIG HUG back to you!
Anna, I love your turn of phrase. Thank you very much!
Hugs and kisses back at you and handsome Matthew...
Oh dear, yet another award. It really is adorable. My apologies for being so slow to respond to your kindness. Been under the weather and operating at half steam. I'm awed by how many wonderful people you know and visit. I have the same tiny little collection of people I visit all the time. You are one of the way cool kids. Thank you for all your kind and encouraging words at my blog. They are the real award. I am a glutton for compliments. Thanks.
Wow!!!! Very impressive list! :)
Wow, San! Is this considered Blog Rush Hour on your blog? LOL
Danz uhwot foh duh Fun Weewawd!
Thank you, San!! What a lovely surprise to get after my weekend at work. You are a sweetie, and thanks for the suggestions of Just Plain Fun blog sites...gives me many excuses not to grocery shop today. Sounds like required reading to me:>) AnnieH
I think Babs would be kick-ass in cowboy boots.
Raven, I'm sorry you've been under the weather. Thanks for taking the time to visit here.
Blogging friends are great, aren't they?
Casdok, come to think of it--you should be on the list! Take the award if you'd like...
Jo, you're so funny. All I know is I get a rush from all the sweet comments, yours included.
Chuck, u iz welcome. Oh no, I just lapsed into Alex the Cat lingo. I meant to be talking baby dwagonese.
Wuv to u, Chuck. Uhwot uv wuv.
Annie, I say whatever helps you postpone those unpleasant errands. Whatever helps.
Enjoy your day off!
Dar, you've got a point at that. Babs is kickass. So how could she not look great in cowboy boots?
Oh, it's taken me so long to get over here & say thank you, thank you, thank you. But thank you, thank you, thank you! And now I have all these other blogs to get to know, so more fun is in store. (Just not enough time.)
Muchas gracias yet again.
:) Debi
De nada, Debi. De nada, de nada.
Thank you for this award! I'm pleased... wow. Happy, happy :)
The Elementary: Happy, happy! Joy, joy!
What a great list of blogs, San - containing many of my favourites.
I'm still a couple of steps behind, after my Malaysia trip and I'm still playing catch-up.
If you have time, I think you might like a recent post I wrote, called Blank Stair.
Would love to know what you think.
I finally acknowledged the award you gave me. Thank you again.
Obviously come over when you like, but...
If you get near a computer on Tuesday 5th, have a look at my post because there'll be an award for you. I'll be away too so it's a scheduled post for 1am Tuesday (my time zone!)
I have never seen anyone with this many comments! But then you personally address each and everyone...you are a good kid!
THANK KU SAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
David, thanks for telling me about your post. It's brilliant. And very inspiring.
Rubye Jean, I LOVE being called a good KID. Thank you, GIRL.
Cath, I'll tune in to make my acceptance speech.
Thank you for giving me time to rehearse.
Dilly, your new profile pic is a knockout. You are too.
what a sweetheart of an award! :-)
San thanks for the lovely words, and thank you for the awards too. I also wanted to thank you for your support over the last couple of weeks, it has been much appreciated.
I just stopped by to say hello to a beautiful lady.
Have a good day!!
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