Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Sun Is Out

Brilliant Corners, 36" x 24", acrylic on canvas
private collection, Albuquerque

The New Mexico sun is gracing us today and my spirits are lifted. We've been having a snowier than average winter thanks to El Nino--great news for the anticipated spring runoff of the mountain snowpack into the rivers and reservoirs. This magical springtime flow replenishes our desert water supply. And, yes, the fallen snow in downtown Santa Fe is stunning...

St. Francis of Assisi Cathedral
photo courtesy Henry Lopez, The Santa Fe New Mexican

One of the reasons I live in Santa Fe, however, is our 325 days of sunshine per year. I need those brilliant shafts to shine into the darker corners of my house and soul. When those corners are warm, I have a place to go. I can lean against the wall, close my eyes, feel the sunshine on my eyelids, and know that underneath all this... unseen light is forming this...

There are brilliant corners in the dead of winter. When I close my eyes, I see them.


Lori Skoog said...

Hey are so fortunate to get that much sun in Santa Fe. Not so here. No doubt about spirits are lifted and I am so much more ambitious when the sun is out. Can you believe that one day last week all the states except for Hawaii had snow? Pretty rare.

San said...

Lori, I had read that snow statistic too. I believed it because my mother had snow in the deep South!

The sun does increase the ambition quotient, no?

Daryl said...

Once I stopped salivating over those colors in that awesome painting .. I felt so sad for you .. not so much .. its snowed here less than south of here or north of here but quite enough, thank you ...

San said...

Daryl, I love it when you salivate! NYC must be beautiful in the snow, but enough is enough.

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

Beautiful colors...almost like it was weaved!
Yes to sunshine and all the warmth and life it provides to little corners.'s almost here!

San said...

Mary Ann, here in the high desert we get our last snow in April, sometimes in early May. But I guess that's not TOO long away.

I appreciate your seeing the painting as woven. That enlarges it for me. The woman who purchased it sent me an image of it hanging in a brilliant corner of her home. Made my day.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant Corners is a great combination of words.

~Babs said...

Your color choices are just so,,,,,Sante Fe! Brilliant, cornered or not.
Yes, altogether now, in unison:
Spring is on it's way,,,bring on the sunshine!

San said...

Dar, I agree on the word combo. But I can't take credit. It's a T. Monk tune.

San said...

Babs, I thought I heard someone singing. And yes, I joined in.

Thank you for your compliment, which is springtime to my ears.

layers said...

yes you live in a light filled place for sure--- we are actually having a sunny day here in the Pacific NW-- the contrast is stunning--- so many days of gloom, grey, cloudy and rain-- then a sunny day-- WOW.
know how you feel--it shows in your colorful 'sunny' paintings

Lee said...

True indeed and brilliantly expressed, San! Those dark areas often have something good growing underneath. My counselor Mark would liken that period to being a fallow field, but I think in your fields there is more going on that rest and replenishment. I'm glad your world stays bright that often.

Lovely painting!


lear1958 said...

Hi San, As you know, we also had snow and it was an event, but I suspect you remember those unique and exciting days. I seldom have a poetic fondness for the sun since the southern heat is, as you know, unbearable.Your post was beautiful.

lear1958 said...

San, I neglected to tell you that I love your painting. I love the vibrant colors- the metaphor of renewal.

San said...

Donna (layers), I'd probably be bothered by the relentless dark days in the Pacific Northwest, but oh, I would bask in all of that GREEN, come rain or shine.

San said...

What an exquisite compliment, Lee. Like a big warm shaft of sunshine. Thank you!


San said...

Ruz, of course I remember those unique days, when everything came to a standstill in the wonder of it all.

As to the summer--it ain't the heat, it's the humidity. (Purportedly.)

San said...

Thanks, Rhonda, for popping in again to mention the painting. That means a lot to me.

Hilary said...

It seems you have more snow there than we do here in Canada.. at least my corner of the country. Those brilliant colours.. you sure must get your inspiration from them.

San said...

Hilary, I find color enlivening. Just like sunshine.

I would have thought you had more snow than us. Go figure.

Carol said...

Your colors warm me!

Despite the snow and cold, I have heard inklings of spring - chirping birds, flickers pecking on someone's home. I think the earth is pregnant - and it takes a lot of gestating time before it can give birth to spring!

SandyCarlson said...

Winter is a transformation that gives way to yet another that yields so much life that becomes your art. Beautiful stuff!

San said...

Carol, we don't want to induce labor, do we? Everything in its own time.

I enjoy your metaphor and I'm glad the colors did the trick.

Maggie Neale said...

Ah, Brilliant Corners is a beauty. I'd like to find some brilliant corners myself. And you have more snow than we have in Central VT! Oddly the snow clouds seem to be gathering just south of Montpelier, releasing snow in NYC and DC while we stay icy, not quite green but certainly not fluffy white.

Congrats on the sale of paintings! Always good to hear paintings are being bought. Hurrah!

San said...

Sandy, thank you for following the process to such a flattering end.


San said...

Sophia, we're on the same page, longing-wise. How wonderful to see you kicking here again!

San said...

Maggie, thank you so much. Your encouragement means a lot to me.

Hard to believe you have less snow in Vermont than we have here, but this winter is an unusual one.

p said...

so rain there is as rare as a blog post from you eh? ...its nice to see you active, like a ray of sunshine :)

Mary Ellen said...

Great to hear from you - and I love the sun seeping through your vibrant painting.

Lynette said...

San, your painting is gorgeous, so warm and bright with a good sunny feeling! I also love those pictures of Santa Fe, what a wonderful place you live!

Shrinky said...

Oh I couldn't agree more - When the sun is up, everything springs to life, myself included, but when the wind, rain and snow calls, I just feel like hybernating.. roll on Summer, eh?

At least your painting is full of warmth and vibrant colour - beautiful!

Unknown said...

Beautiful painting San! The one thing that stands out in my memories of Santa Fe winters are the stunning clear blue skies agaist the adobe buildings iced with snow. Brilliant indeed.
And such a wonderful reference to Thelonious Monk!! said...

Yeah! More abstract the solidity and movement in Brilliant Corners...happy to have discovered The Sun is Out...

Akelamalu said...

I would love to see some sunshine right now, it seems an age since we were in the Caribbean. :(

Maggie May said...

I am amazed by the snow you have had. I didn't expect you to get any. Whereas here...... well anything goes.

Love the beautiful colours in your paintings.

Nuts in May

Kim said...

Hello San,

I am absolutely loving this painting and the warmth it brings. The owners are very lucky!

You are so right about the goodness of snow. There is just nothing quite like the slow melting snow to nourish the soil for glorious springs. I find the joy of winter is being cozy indoors while the beauty and cold reveal itself outdoors!

I can just imagine you next to the window soaking up all of that sunshine when you know it is very cold on the other side of the glass!

Soon, my friend, spring will be yours. El Nino has placed a bit of snow in our path this year, as well! :-)

sukipoet said...

I didnt know Santa Fe had so many days of sun. I once did a brief search for the sunniest cities and thought many were in Arizona. I too love the sun.

One of the saving graces of my Mom's old house where I am now is a south facing series of windows i call the sun windows. Even on a cold day, if the sun is out, I feel like I'm in the Bahamas. Since Mom hated sunlight and heat she always kept the curtains closed. I never close them.

Poetic Artist said...

I love the colors in that painting.
They are lucky to have it.
Santa Fe..I read about and look at pictures and dream. I have yet to be able to visit..One day soon..

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the snow can look so picturesque but then we go outside and remember it's cold. I hate it myself and unfortunately we are having another downpour today with 3+ inches fallen in a short time.

CJ xx

San said...

Paula, you make me blush. Thanks, babe.

San said...

Mary Ellen, I know that this New Mexico sun does inform my paintings. That one was accomplished during a sequence of bright days.

San said...

Lynette, thank you so much! I believe you would love Santa Fe. You will have to get out here one of these days.

San said...

Shrinky, it seems we're all on the same page here--we NEED those rays. Of course I guess the wintertime is restorative, or would be, IF I had a chance to hibernate. That's just not in the cards for us, is it?

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

We hav had snow on an off for 3 munths now an that is reelly unyewzal. We hav had sun, rain, sleet an snow this week! Today it is sunny but not warm.
We hav snowdrops in the garden!
This yeer I am goin to gro marrygolds agen an plarnt sum in Granny's new garden wen she is in her new howse!

San said...

Karen, I'm glad you got the Monk reference! And your memory of a Santa Fe winter is vivid and true. I can never get enough of that tall, blue sky.

San said...

Bruce, I'm glad you're here too, giving a nod to solidity and movement. Yes, we need both, no?

San said...

Akelamalu, it's hard to return to winter after basking in such a paradise, isn't it?

San said...

Maggie, often people are surprised to learn we have so much snow here. We're in the desert, but we're at a high elevation.

Thank you for your kind words about my painting. xo

San said...

Kim, I've heard that you've had at least a sprinkling in your neck of the woods. I have a young friend in D.C. who posted some pictures, including the Safeway dairy case, completely empty of milk! We've had a glorious respite for a few days, but more is supposed to be rolling in next week--snow not milk.


San said...

Suki, we live in a passive solar, with a wall of big south-facing windows. I know just what you mean about being able to feel like you're someplace tropical in the middle of winter. WHEN the sun shines.

I believe that Arizona is the sunniest state. New Mexico is in at least the top five, but here in Santa Fe, at our elevation, we have lots and lots of sun. Except lately. :)

San said...

Katelen, when you do visit, you'll probably feel quite in your element. The light and the strange northern New Mexico "vibe"--yes, there is one--make creative people feel at home.

San said...

Crystal, I believe we are looking towards another sunny day here, but more of the dastardly white stuff is on its way next week. Shiver.


San said...

Oh Bob, the snowdrops in your garden must be beautiful. And I cannot wait to see the marigolds you plant in Granny's garden. And I can't wait to see Granny's new house!


ArtistUnplugged said...

Stunning painting and also beautiful snow, that first photo is beautiful!!!

San said...

Great to see you here, Unplugged. And I appreciate the compliment. Much.

jsd said...

In the land of frozen tundra I miss the sunshine most. The sun will come out briefly, then disappear for the rest of the day...on the up side, it makes you notice one way or the other.

To radiance for you!

San said...

JS, that would be a tough adjustment--going from a sunny place to one much less so. When we lived in San Francisco, everyone complained about the fog, but it did burn off pretty early in the day and then we'd get sunshine, so I see what you mean about one making you appreciate the other.

murat11 said...

Love the painting: red's (love's) annunciation. I'd gladly be cornered by this brilliant painting any day.

San said...

Paschal, "annunciation" is a good word here. Leave it to you to corner the good word.

Cathy Flinn said...

San, there are brilliant corners in the dead of winter. You are one of them.

Leslie Avon Miller said...

I love the sunlight of New Mexico. Here where I live in the Pacific Northwest, we got about 325 days of rain and least it seems like it! Today however, was stunning!

Celebration of Life said...

I need to move to Santa Fe!
Bring on the sunshine and spring! :o)

Dave King said...

Snow, I remember - but sun...? Nope, sorry.
A really good and interesting post.

lime said...

wow, i had no idea santa fe got snowfall at all.

i will say that i love when the sun comes out in a blue sky after a fresh snow. talk about bright corners!

San said...

Cathy: SHUCKS.


San said...

Leslie, what you have there in the Pacific Northwest is lush green and tall trees. It takes a lot of rain to produce all of that.

San said...

We're ready for you, Jo! Pack your bags.

San said...

Thanks, Dave. I guess it's been dreary of late in many places.

San said...

Lime, we've enjoyed just that effect of late. And yes, it's been brilliant!

Unspoken said...

I live in the rain and crave sun. Hopefully when I finish my two year degree I will transfer to sun!

myonlyphoto said...

Glad you got some Sun San. Thanks to El Nino we been having mild winter, and as of two days ago we been hit with some nice snow. For the first time this year I shoveled 2 feet of snow, not, more like 5 inches, but that was my husbands interpretations. Him and the giant rabbits, lol. Thanks San for shiny post. Anna :)

C.M. Jackson said...

enough snow agreed! you do get that beautiful NM sun and spring cannot be faraway!! love the painting

Indigo said...

Indigo Incarnates

The Spring Equinox (Ostara) is only three weeks away. Then it will officially be spring. Yay!

San said...

She Writes, you are welcome out this way any time!

San said...

Anna, it's hard to believe you'd had such light snowfall up there in Canada, until recently. Go figure.

San said...

Thanks, C.M. I am eager for the springtime, but we tend to get our last snow in April, sometimes even early in May. But we'll have some warm days now and again.

San said...

Indi, welcome Ostara with open arms!

Caterina Giglio said...

I just found your site while out surfing this am, nice to make another NM connection..
I know the feeling, about the garden, only I have 2 feet of snow in my back yard! and March and April are the heaviest snow months! but we get a lot of sun here in CO too! Caterina

indicaspecies said...

Hi San,
Brilliant Corners is indeed brilliant.
May you have many sunny days to lift up your spirits. Cheers.:)
- celine

Todd said...

Yes, we've had a snowy winter!! Such beauty with the snow in the hills and valleys. I love winter in Santa Fe but am longing for the magic of spring flowers!! Peace!

myonlyphoto said...

Hey San hope all the snow is gone by now, and hope all is well with you. Anna :)

Jingle said...

I love sunshine!

Jingle said...

an award for you in my blog,
Happy Monday!

San said...

Caterina, I'm glad you stumbled in here. :D I hope you'll return, and I look forward to visiting you...

San said...

Anna, we awoke to about 8 inches on Monday!

San said...

Jingle, thank you for the award. I'm honored!

Katiejane said...

OMG!! I see your snowy mess! What a suprise for you this must have been! It looks rather pretty the way you photographed it.

San said...

Kate, the snow is beautiful, but we get tired of it anyway.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

Nice to see you today!