- On the plane from Albuquerque I sat two seats behind actor Gary Farmer. An odd coincidence, as I was already planning on his being the subject of my Meme of Fame 4/7. (I'd last seen him a couple of summers ago when I helped him hang a large painting on the wall of his now-out-of-business gallery, a block from our own. There you go: Meme of Fame 4/7 is now complete.) We exchanged awkward pleasantries in the O'Hare terminal, then went about our separate misadventures.
- My spouse got his suitcase locked in a turnstile at the El station. The turnstile would not budge. My spouse therefore became locked in the turnstile. He would not budge. An attendant had to disengage the luggage, and thus my spouse, with brute force. The attendant broke a sweat wrestling the steel bars in their death grip. We haven't a clue exactly how it all happened. Just lucky I guess.
- My spouse excused himself for a restroom engagement during a performance of The Enigma Variations at the concert pavilion in Millennium Park. He simply vanished. It was truly enigmatic. Then again, I might want to disappear after that turnstile stunt. Come to think of it, I never saw that man before in my entire life.

'Where did Bennie go?'

of the new wing of the Art Institute.
- In Michigan I was caught trespassing on the grounds of a private residence I'd mistaken for a funky collectibles shop. I mean, how many antique birdhouses, disintegrating farm implements, and sculptures of giant hands cradling the planet Earth does one family need? Shove your rusty hay rake. Take your vintage sausage grinders. Please.
- Upon arriving at the steps leading down to Cherry Beach at Lake Michigan, a panic-stricken family was coming up, slapping at their arms and legs. They shouted warnings of a proliferation of giant and hungry flies. They weren't kidding. Here's Bennie coming back up the stairs, pursued by a swarm of famished flies.
Those insects mean business.
- Arriving at Club Lago on West Superior in Chicago, salivating in anticipation of fried calamari and linguini, we discovered a big sign at the entrance, explaining that the restaurant was closed due to damage incurred by an exploding chimney next door.
And so will we...
Good to have you back, thoroughly rested, I hope!
Lovely collection of different photos.
I love the one of the laid back husband! Great shot!
no one blogs like you do
i missed you :)
I just love your stories. They always make me smile. Thank you for sharing them! It sounds like you had a very interesting vacation. Glad to have you back safe and sound.
Love and Light, Laura
What a "vacation" and of course you need to recover from that spin into a turnstile spin into luggage lockup...er...rather observing someone you don't know who turns into the Hulk to fight for his stuff!!! And then has to sleep it off on a sculputured lounge chair.
I also went to Michigan by way of Chicago this past March...for me it's a trip down memory lane. I also needed a couple of solid weeks of recovery in small nap size increments to get over that long weekend. (I was being interviewed for the documentary that is being made of my mother and her partner who were murder...hard stuff to deal with...)
I enjoyed your post, San.
Hope you're not too hot ... it's the humidity not the heat everyone says so you should be fine. On the other hand, we are in a damp heat here where it's the heat and humidity (mind-numbing combination)in tropical paradise...here people talk about the ocean breeze...as in 'well at least you have cooler temperatures and a breeze up in the mountains'...Okay, where is it?
My reply here is a bit of an enigma, too..."truly enigmatic"...so I think I will vanish...ghost like...with a little click. Welcome back, San.<3
I love the photos San, especially the one of your spouse languishing on the sculpture! :)
You live and breath! Welcome back.
sounds like lovely memories were made...I often think it's the misadventures that make a vacation live within you; keeps a sliver of that moment alive when the sudden conversation takes that ...you know one time...moment and there you are in the midst of memories returned like it was yesterday, and bonding within a moment of now with then.
What a chain of humorous misadventures - I hope there were some calm and restful patches in between. And that you got some good laughs from it all!
Being locked in a turnstile is the best of good omens. He will be blessed - again!!!!
Ah, the memories you made on your vacation. The turnstile one is the best (please don't tell hubby)!
Great Stories.. Vacations stories are always fun
Wonderful stories, San! I especiallly like the picture of Bennie napping on the sculpture. It speaks of the perspective of artists.
Welcome home!
Welcome back. I hope the flies didn't follow.
Wow! Reading blogs backwards on my Google reader I discovered you made David's list! Congratulations!
Maggie May, it's good to be back, and to see you're my fist visitor!
Paula, you would have been in heaven in the yard with all of the junk.
Laura, I'm glad you smiled. You have such a pretty smile.
Cynthia, I love long rambling replies such as yours. It's not the coherence, it's the passion.
I'm just kidding you. You left yourself wide open. You are the soul of coherence. And passion.
Thanks for sending the ocean breeze. And I want to know more about the documentary.
Akelamalu, anyone who can nap on that lounger is in serious need of sleep.
Lori, yes, I'm still kickin'.
JS, that's a wise observation. It's the stranger experiences we remember, isn't it? Although we enjoyed hours of lolling on the beach on our trip to the Yucatan last year, it's the day we ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere we remember again and again, fondly, with much laughter.
Mary Ellen, yes, there were long and languorous restful patches. They just aren't as memorable.
David, thank you for your Celtic wisdom. I didn't know you were a soothsayer.
Andrea, our secret is safe.
Katelen, you must have some of those stories yourself.
Lee, I like your "perspective of artists" take on the photo.
Love, San
Dar, the flies wouldn't dare follow us back to the desert. The June bugs, maybe.
Thanks for letting me know, Lee. I'll have to stop by and thank David...
Welcome back!
Adventures seem to follow you like... well, like "giant and hungry flies". Thanks for the fun tales.
Oh vacation stories are fun...you have some good ones! I like the turnstile and attack of the flies! Vacations can be exhausting!
I love how you narrate your stories!! :) I always know where I can get a good smile in! :) Poor benny...his back must be killing him after that nap! LOL
Makes me think of: "If it's Tuesday, this must be Belgium".
"The Out-of-towners"
But back, safe and sound is the best!
A trip to remember, ROFL, such a story! Welcome home.
good gravy, those are some misadventures for sure. no wonder bennie needed a nap in the sculpture garden. glad you're back safe and sound and were not exploded upon like the restaurant was.
I'd have been by to welcome you back but MY back was wonky and I wasnt supposed to be sitting ... fabulous pix and woman you should write a book, your way with words is almost as magical as your way with paints!
I love these vacation stories. I live vicariously through them. :-)
I'm over from authorblog. Congrats on the Post of the Day mention!
Hi San! Aren't all vacations plagued/sprinkled with misadventures? It does sound like you had a good time, though, in spite of it all.
I love the theater. So different.
Wonderfully unique vacation post, San. Loved it!
better enjoy the vacation because coming back to reality is tough. i think i could nap on that sculpture. congrats on POTD mention!
Welcome back, Sister San:
Loved Gary Farmer in Smoke Signals. Can't wait for MOF 5/7.
Death grips of inanimate herders, missing spouses, ravenous flies, and disappearing calamari? Maybe hurricane season in the Gulf next time. Might be an easier gig.
We love your vacations, too.
And your returns home.
Yours is the quirkiest vacation report I've ever read. Just wonderful. You paint with words.
I know I am not supposed to laugh but that was a fun tale about your husband and the turnstile. Sorry, I could just not help it. Many thanks.
Greetings from London.
Sounds like you had fun and plenty of adventure. And you made me laugh with your wonderful wit, which I always enjoy.
I love these photos and your story. I admire your husband for finding art that is truly compatible with his way of being. That is admirable.
Welcome back. I see a new video game possibility, "Where in the World is Bernie?"
great report from Vacationland!
awesome photos!
peace~ Chuck
Carol, that's certainly one way of putting it. Rings true at that.
That's quite a vacation San.
I'm always amazed at the odd things that happen when one is vacationing. Just not every day occurrences and not just because we are doing things that are not everyday events.
Just weirdness.
I know you know what I mean.
Know what you mean, Mary Ann. We usually need a vacation to get over it all.
Anna, his was a fitful sleep. But he didn't toss and turn.
Babs, there's no place like home.
Kim, thank you. I am now envisioning you ROFL.
Sounds like a memorable vacay! Thanks for sharing your trip with us!! Your words always make me smile!
Michele, my adventures are tame compared to yours.
Daryl, I'm glad your back is better. I didn't know about that.
Elizabeth, I'm not sure why you'd want to live vicariously through this one. Glutton for punishment?
Thanks for coming over, Cheffie. And thanks to David for sending you.
Kate, it's a gorgeous pavilion in a magnificent setting!
Thanks for wafting in, Andrea!
Thank you, Brian. I appreciate your stopping by and I hope you will return.
Paschal, we recently watched Smoke Signals again. It's great.
Quirky's the word, Hilary.
Cuban, the turnstile incident IS very funny, especially now that it's over.
Raven, you have a nice laugh!
Sandy, I exaggerated the disappearing act a wee bit. Truth be told, we were sitting in the chairs near the front and when he came out of the restroom, the ushers asked him to wait until the end of the concert to return to his seat. That was a LONG time. They did allow him to sit on the very front row, over on the edge.
The napping pose on the sculpture actually occurred before the concert. What can I say? I lied!
Jeff, if you can dream it, you can do it!
Thanks Chuck. For visiting and for commenting.
Aims, I know exactly what you mean. Weirdness.
Todd, it was fun to recap it all, spinning a little yarn along the way.
Sounds like a great misadventure.
That chair your husband is napping on does not look comfortable at all! He must have been really sleepy to fall asleep on a rock. ;-)
San,i am missing your paintings...seems like you have a good vacation...
Sounds like you had a big adventure!
Those exploding chimneys will do for it every time!
Welcome home San, glad you made it home safe, sound and sparkling again.
Great photos, thanks for sharing a little part of your vacation.
CJ xx
Adventure seems to follow you like an abandoned kitten, doesn't it? Or does it precede you like a wild rumor? Or does it surround you like a swarm of killer bees? Or have I just run out of ideas for clever metaphors?
Welcome back, San!
Indigo Incarnates
I always shedule one extra day off to recover from the vacation before getting back to work. A vacation-from-vacationing is always a good thing.
Indigo Incarnates
I always shedule one extra day off to recover from the vacation before getting back to work. A vacation-from-vacationing is always a good thing.
Good to hear that you had a very good vacation. Of course you need to recover atleast for week ahha..you can say another vacation at home. Well, I love all the pictures you took. I love the picture of your hubby's napping pose haha.
It's good to see you back San..
Thanks for share. great picture. I like it.See you on my blog also.
Youve got a great blog here!Keep Up and happy blogging!:)
Spark, I believe he's pretending. Very convincing, huh?
Sabi, thanks for reminding me: it's high time I posted a painting. It's been a while, hasn't it?
Bob, you would've loved to fertilize the garden in Millennium Park.
Shrinky, safe, yes. Sound, in body. Sparkling, I'm not sure.
Crystal, it was fun.
Moody, I cannot imagine you without clever metaphors. You and they go together like, well, like famished flies and vacation.
Indi, that's what I call brilliant time management.
OK, Indi, I'll say it again: that's what I call brilliant time management.
Angel, I'm rather fond of that picture myself. Maybe we'll get a chair just like that. :-D
Easytravel, thanks for visiting. Yes, I'll have to travel over to your place...
Thanks, A New Beginning. And thanks for leaving the link to your blog. I WILL make it over there. I've been a dirty rotten blogger of late.
Meg, how did I miss you comment? Now I know. You didn't include your picture. I miss your picture.
I know and that's pretty coool if we will get that chair haha..
Oh San this is another great one, lol, you are just too too funny. And btw same once happened to me when we were biking and decided to bike over a place the sausage vendor's stand - I was salivating visualizing eating this big Polish sausage, yet to vendor was no where found...oh well...great post again. Anna :)
How wonderful a vacation was that!! Hubby looked very comfortable stretched out on that lounger, stonemade though it was! And the best part of a vacation to me was always getting home...
Angel, I'm afraid it's a wee bit out of my budget, but one can dream, no?
Anna, yes, what's more frustrating than salivating for nothing?
I enjoy your visits so much.
I'm with you, Sandi. The best part of vacation is getting home. It even edges out the second best part, which is anticipating the trip. In third place, and very close, is the actual vacation.
oo ya San, So True.
I love vacations but they really make returning to real life problematic. lol. There was more than one restaurant w/that kind of sign between Charlotte and Atlanta.
you got off rasy welcome to chicago
Turnstile..Whispers of where did Bennie go..haha! Your unique style of blogging is delightful.
You make me laugh ~ thank you! I think a vacation with you anywhere would be so much fun. The photos and the words were just perfect. Welcome back!
Welcome back San! Vacations are sure fun but it's always such a relief to get back to your own home and own bed. It looks like Bennie found a pretty comfortable recliner there and boy does he look worn out! :)
I always KNEW Bennie was a perfect fit for the art world.
I've finally worked out this tagging business and have repaid the tag you gave me a few months back! Great holiday stories x
Sorry it took me so long to get here, but always worth the wait. Love your posts. You had a great vacation by the looks of it and I love how you write about those mishaps! Just lucky I guess. Ha!
Thanks for making me smile.
Glad you found him. Not fly bitten either.
WOW, San, 109 comments and I am lucky if I get 10 comments. That goes to show how popular you are. May I be part of your fan club and be your friend? LOL
Hope you had a great weekend. I wrote a post about mine. :o)
The marketing firm I work for had decided to close... I was let go the day before leaving on my vacation! grr... I had a lovely enjoyable time with my family anyway. Couldn't ask for better weather on Cape Cod.
San how you doing? Must be relaxed or thinking about another vacation? Hopefully Not because we are missing your new post.
Hey San you are really recovering from the vacation, lol? Hope to see you back soon! Anna :)
I've decided that you're not recovering from vacation: you're recovering from this last post. Love from the low desert.
Great story and pictures to illustrare.
Hi San:) thanks for the funny tale of your vacations, what an adventure:) It looks as if you passed them with style:)
You do have a wonderful blogging style and I quite enjoyed my visit here with you...thought I was going someplace else but ended here and glad of it! Some great vacation stories!
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